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  • caroludeogaranya


 A culture of excellence is driven by commitment to extol high standards and performance through collaboration and shared values among stakeholders. It is also one that aligns with the vision, set goals and objectives of the project to be accomplished.


Public schools in our states today, lack the  basic amenities, infrastructure and resources (human, material and financial) needed to make teaching interesting. The learning environment is not aesthetic, and the teaching curriculum requires a disruptive approach that can change the paradigm of learning in the school system.


In order to elevate the standard of excellence, public schools must be adequately funded, teaching materials made available and infrastructure drastically improved. The quality of teachers must be reviewed to ensure that experienced personnel who meet the criteria for the teaching specification needed are hired. And of course, there must be constant empowerment of the teachers and pupils through frequent trainings and workshops.


Government institutions of learning is presumed to have brought succour to its citizens. Expectations are therefore high in ensuring that Public School administration and management are highly effective.


  • As a government, what has been done in changing the narrative of our Public Schools?

  • How much of the state resources has been allocated to revamp the education sector? 

  • What measures has been put in place to address the scarcity of basic furnitures (tables and chairs), Library shelves with books, and equipment required for the various STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) laboratories?


To the Individual Citizens, Civic Organizations, Private Businesses and large corporations, what has been our contribution in improving the quality of our Public School System?

  • How many Public schools has been impacted by our Corporate Social Responsibility?


The answer to these questions lies within us. While we look up to the government to take up the responsibility of rehabilitating our government schools, as individuals and patriotic citizens, we have a duty as well, to collectively take action through collaboration with the government in ensuring that we raise the bar, while building a culture of excellence in our public schools.


As at today, so many kids leave primary school with very low literacy level. Some of the challenges that affect the performance of the students includes low self-esteem, expectations and aspirations below average standards, Some students also find it difficult to read confidently and communicate effectively.We could also have teachers who settle below the standard academic trajectory due to their personal academic limitations, it could be institutionalised mediocrity that no one even notices.


We can address these lapses through Curriculum Re-design and introduction of effective teaching methods, Recruitment of reputable teaching staff with provision for regular trainings that will equip them with global knowledge and digital learning skills for effective teaching and learning.


From my perspective, the curriculum standards in our public schools are too limiting, adopting a disruptive teaching method that challenges the creativity of the students and enable them to discover their potentials within is needed.

We need to invest in the growth and development of a generation of smart children who will be self driven, innovative, digitally savvy, with the ability to communicate and make a difference that will impact the world.


The Government of Anambra State and some other States have introduced free basic education from preprimary to junior secondary school and have recruited over three thousand teachers to fill the teaching gaps recorded in the states. This is a step to the right direction. This initiative has tackled the inadequacy of teaching staff and has currently addressed the challenges of school enrollment due to inability to pay tuition. The materials and other facilities required for learning is a going concern, which we believe is a work in progress in our states and we challenge our governors to accomplish this goal.


As Parents, Individuals, Civic organizations and other private businesses who share similar values and interests in making quality education a priority, we have a role to play. What strategies are you bringing forth, what efforts are you making to improve the standard of learning, how passionate and committed are you in ensuring that we make the best out of our Public Schools? If you share similar ideas and interests in striving to make our community schools great again, join in the campaign for improved standards of learning in our community schools by partnering with us as we develop and launch a program that will provide students with opportunities for better learning outcomes.





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